Blue frangipani flower linked to International Women's Day page

International Women's Day

Celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of Pacific women.

Female blue icon linked to the Honour Her (Mother's Day) page

Honour Her

Recognize and show appreciation of the sacrifices and hard work of our dearest mothers. It’s her we turn to when needs arise. Thank you.

Conch shell blue icon linked to Advocacy and Networking page section

Advocacy & Networking

Enabling women to develop strong networks locally and nationally, taking advantage of our international connections.

Blue icon of female in the foreground with a pulsating heart shape linked to the Well-being & Professional Development page

Personal Well-being & Professional Development

Providing authentic leadership on women’s issues and building the capability of emerging women and girl leaders.

Pacific Greetings

Pacific Women’s Professional & Business Network

We are Pacific women, here to serve through sharing, empowering, and inspiring to enrich humanity, advocating for equality and the rights of Pacific and all women.

About Us

The Pacific Women’s Professional & Business Network (PWPBN) is a collective of professional and business women united to Share, Empower, and Inspire. Within our ranks, members hold a shared concern for the challenges faced by Pacific women in NSW, Australia, and across the global landscape.

Women Empowering Women

Our endeavors are centered around nurturing women’s leadership, heightening recognition of accessible resources and support, and nurturing fresh avenues for women to thrive in both political and economic spheres.

In the Spotlight

Tiny droplets of us together can make an ocean of difference


International Women’s Day

Oceanic pride at its finest, as the Pacific Women’s Professional and Business Network (PWPBN) Inc celebrate International Women’s Day annually.

Each year, PWPBN gathers women (and their families) from all corners to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th. It is a day of celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, as well as a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.

Female blue icon linked to the Honour Her (Mother's Day) page

Honour Her

It’s her we turn to when needs arise. Our mothers are an essential source of support and guidance and their influence can have a lasting impact on our lives.
Thank you.

Conch shell blue icon linked to Advocacy and Networking page section

Advocacy & Netwoking

Engage, consult, advocate and call to action all sectors at all levels on issues that impact Pacific women and girls. We advocate on human rights with social justice to raise awareness and call for necessary collective actions and investments to ensure faith and cultural inclusivity, equity, safe and stable environment for the wellbeing and security for all Pacific women and girls in NSW and Australia wide.

Blue icon of empowered woman linked to the Well-being & Professional Development page

Personal Well-being & Professional Development

Providing authentic leadership on women’s issues and building the capability of emerging women and girl leaders.

Our Impact

Leadership icon for PWPBN's  Impact section


Personal Well-being and Professional Development  icon for PWPBN's Impact section

Personal Well-being & Professional Development

Advocacy and Networking  icon for PWPBN's Impact section

Advocacy & Networking

Leadership icon for PWPBN's  Impact section


Personal Well-being and Professional Development icon for PWPBN's  Impact section

Personal Well-being & Professional Development

Advocacy and Networking icon for PWPBN's  Impact section

Advocacy & Networking

Recent Updates

Serenity Sisterhood Celebration

Serenity Sisterhood Celebration

Honouring Lives, Empowering Futures. We look forward to honouring the remarkable journey of our incredible women and celebrating our collective achievements. Remembering those gone, embracing health, and fostering a stronger community through our commitment to regular screening.

PWPBN Celebrated by Liverpool Mayor for Outstanding Community Impact

PWPBN Celebrated by Liverpool Mayor for Outstanding Community Impact

Liverpool, 15 August 2024 – At a special ceremony held at the Liverpool Council Chambers, Mayor Ned Mannoun recognized the vital contributions of local community organizations. Among the honorees was the Pacific Women Professional Business Network Inc. (PWPBN), co-chaired by Jaithoon Venkteshwar, receiving a certificate of appreciation for their impactful Mother’s Day Reflection Breakfast.

Cancer Screening Powerful Talanoa

Cancer Screening Powerful Talanoa

Around 30 women gathered for a powerful talanoa on cancer screening at the EFKS Fairfield Church, led by the Pacific Women Professional and Business Network (PWPBN).